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 » subKitten Info
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Author Topic: subKitten Info  (Read 10336 times)

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August 31, 2007, 12:47:21 AM

Offline subKitten

  • Elegantly posed to death
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  • Posts: 242
  • Gender: Female
    • subKitten
subKitten Info
« on: August 31, 2007, 12:47:21 AM »

***As of August 28, 2009 subKitten now offers downloads for your Sims3!  SIms 2 downloads can be found on the menu bar under "sims 2 Downloads".  That will take you to the old version of the site.  Enjoy! ***

SubKitten offers downloads of all kinds for your glorious sims 2!  There's clothing/accessories/makeup for your male and female sims, genetics (eyes, skintone, hair), models and much more!  SubKitten is an entirely free website.  There are no "donation" files or downloads that you can only get if you donate.  That's just ludicrous. 

Here's some info you might need to know about subKitten:
- some downloads require a pay mesh to work and they will now be included in the zip or rar files
- some models include pay content (meshes are now included)
- there is only 1 artist, me (Jen), at subKitten

Any comments or suggestions you wish to share can be done so in the "comments/suggestions" thread.  I only seperate them because I don't want my "Updates!" thread to be clogged or overrun with chatting (although comments/suggestions, etc are ALWAYS appreciated) and I want it to only be Updates.  I hope everyone understands.

I hope everyone enjoys my site and everything I make and I hope you'll keep an eye out for my updates!  If you have any questions about my site or any concerns, feel free to email me at subkittensims@gmail.com.
Sleep Priestess, lie in peace...